Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Christ

You all know as I do that it has been a very long time since I have posted on this blog. I beg forgiveness. In all honestly, I have not posted because I have had nothing to say.
Now I have something to say, though I'm not sure if it will even make sense.

I recently finished G.K. Chesterton's book Orthodoxy. If you have never read it, set aside some time and push it to the top of your "to read" list. It is well worth it. That is all I am going to say about that subject because I do not want to ruin the book for you if you haven't read it.

Life has been extremely difficult for me lately. As a child, I would watch my sister as she would get mad at herself for not doing something perfect and I would laugh at her. I was so glad that I never had the perfectionist streak. Since I have started to grow up, I have realized that I don't have a perfectionist streak: I am all perfectionist. As a Christian, I think a certian part of us is to desire perfection, yet we are to desire perfection from Christ. When I am constantly aware of my sinfulness and my imperfection and my complete inability to do anything right, I fall into despair. This state of despair is where I have lived for the past month. Yet I must remind myself that God looks on me and sees me as perfect because I wear a perfect robe of righteousness. Christ saw me, saw that I was not perfect and decided to die for me. Then He went up to God and said that He wanted to be His child. This is the part that I laugh at. I think it is very funny that Christ would choose me because I am such a broken vessel. Anyway, with an amazing amount of love, He saved me from my sin. Christ is going to make me perfect. He always finishes what He starts.

So, today I do not have anything special to tell ya'll, I just have simple story of a broken girl who has over and over again found forgiveness, love, and perfection in her brother, friend, and Savior.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christ is so good to save us, even when we keep trying to save ourselves. You are right that we need to be putting on Christ, but it's good to remember that the same incredible power that raised Him is at work in us.